démarches administratives à entreprendre avant de faire un voyage à l’étranger
Par La Rando

Quelles sont les démarches administratives à entreprendre avant de faire un voyage à l’étranger ?

Voyager à l’étranger est une expérience généralement enrichissante qui requiert néanmoins une préparation minutieuse. Outre la réservation des billets d’avion et de l’hébergement, il ne faut surtout pas négliger les démarches administratives obligatoires. Voici un guide pour vous aider à aborder votre voyage en toute quiétude ! Lire la suite « Quelles sont les démarches administratives à entreprendre avant de faire un voyage à l’étranger ? »

Par La Rando

Ambassades aux Emirats arabes unis

Liste des ambassades présentes aux Emirats arabes unis:

Pays Telephone Fax Email Website
Embassy of Republic of Colombia 02-6505756 02-6796696 eabudhabi@cancilleria.gov.com No Website
Embassy of Australia 02-4017500 02-4017501 abudhabi.embassy@dfat.gov.au Click
Embassy of Bosnia & Herzegovina 02-6444164 02-6443619 abhad@bhmc.ae Click
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam 02-4486999 02-4486333 kbdauh98@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of Canada 02-6940300 02-6940399 abdbi@international.gc.ca Click
Embassy of Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria 02-4448949 02-4447068 ambalgdhabi@hotmail.com Click
Embassy of Dominican Republic 02-6580788 02-6580747 uaedominicanembassy@gmail.com No Website
Embassy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 02-4912446 02-4912289 Marc.scheer@mae.etat.lu No Website
Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 02-4472666 02-4472660 afgem555@emirates.net No Website
Embassy of Japan 02-4435696 02-4434219 embjpn@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of Montenegro 02-4418901 02-4418900 montenegro.embassy@yahoo.com No Website
Embassy of Nepal 02-6344767 02-6344469 nepemuae@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of New Zealand 02-4069891 02-4069888 nzembassy.abu.dhabi@mfat.govt.nz No Website
Embassy of People’s Republic of Bangladesh 02-4465100 02-4464733 bdootabudhabi@bdembassy.ae Click
Embassy of Republic of Albania 02-6582505 02-6582705 embassdy.abudhabi@mfa.gov.al Click
Embassy of Republic of Angola 02-4477042 02-4477043 secretary@adangola.ae Click
Embassy of Republic of Argentina 02-4436838 02-4431392 info_eearb@mrecic.gov.ar Click
Embassy of Republic of Armenia 02-4444128 02-4444197 armemiratesembassy@mfa.am Click
Embassy of Republic of Seychelles 02-4917755 02-4917718 seychellesembuae@gmail.com No Website
Embassy of Romania 02-4459919 02-4461143 romaniae@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of Russian Federation 02-6721797 02-6788731 uaeruss@hotmail.com No Website
Embassy of Spain 02-6269544 02-6274978 emb.abudhabi@maec.es Click
Embassy of State of Eritrea 02-6331838 02-6790060 eriemb75@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of Switzerland 02-6274636 02-6269627 adh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch Click
Embassy of Tajikistan 02-4417950 02-4417951 tajikemb.uae@gmail.com No Website
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt 02-8137000 02-4449878 egyptembassyabudhabi@live.com Click
Embassy of the Bolivarian Repuplic of Venezuela 02-4452240 02-4436621 secrataria@embavenez-uae.org Click
Embassy of the Czech Republic 02-6782800 02-6795716 abudhabi@embassy.mzv.cz Click
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 02-6316444 02-6331661 lankemb@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 02-5967777 02-6446942 info@abu-dhabi.diplo.de Click
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Somalia 02-6669700 02-6651580 somaliem@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil 02-6320606 02-6327727 abubrem@eim.ae Click
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 02-4447100 02-4449157 abudhabi@fm.gov.jo Click
Embassy of the Hellenic Republic 02-4492550 02-4492455 grembauh@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran 02-4447618 02-4448714 iranemb@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 02-4462724 02-4465772 mouhamede_oumar@yahoo.fr No Website
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 02-4447800 02-4447172 parepabudhabi@pakistanembassyuae.org Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 02-6319449 02-6319353 abudhabi@diplobel.fed.be Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain 02-6657500 02-6674141 bahrain1@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco 02-4433973 02-4433917 sifmabo@yahoo.com Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway 02-6211221 02-6213313 emb.abudhabi@mfa.no Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 02-4445700 02-4448491 aeemb@mofa.gov.sa Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland 02-6669637 02-6669630 swazuae@eim.ae Click
Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden 02-4178800 02-4178850 ambassaden.abudhabi@foreign.ministry.se No Website
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 02-6958000 02-6313158 abu@minbuza.nl Click
Embassy of the Malaysia 02-4482775 02-4482779 mwabudhabi@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the of Hungary 02-6766190 02-6766215 mission.abu@mfa.gov.hu Click
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China 02-4434276 02-4436835 chinaemb_ae@mfa.gov.cn Click
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus 02-4453399 02-4451131 uae@mfa.gov.by Click
Embassy of the Republic of Ireland 02-4958200 02-6819233 embassyabudhabi@dfa.ie Click
Embassy of the Republic of Italy 02-4435622 02-4453673 italianembassy.abudhabi@esteri.it Click
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey 02-4109999 02-4109905 turkemb.abudhabi@mfa.gov.tr Click
Embassy of the Republic of Turkmenistan 02-4491088 02-4492961 tkmemb@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Austria 02-6944999 02-6944988 abu-dhabi-ob@bmeia.gv.at Click
Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan 02-6662848 02-6663150 azembassy@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Benin 02-6394665 02-6394667 beninemb@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Chile 02-4472022 02-4472023 embassy@chile-uae.com Click
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus 02-6654480 02-6657870 cyembadb@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti 02-6330160 02-6330167 ambadjib@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Finland 02-6328927 02-6325063 finemb@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of France 02-8131000 02-8131028 contact@ambafrance.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Guinea 02-6735551 02-6735558 spapa90@yahoo.fr No Website
Embassy of the Republic of India 02-4492700 02-4444685 admn@indembassyuae.org Click
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 02-4454448 02-4455453 indoemb@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq 02-4418022 02-4418155 adbemb@mofaml.gov.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 02-4498778 02-4498775 kazemb@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Kenya 02-6666300 02-6652827 kenyarep@emirates.net.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Korea 02-6439122 02-6439133 uae@mofaty.go.kr No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon 02-4492100 02-4493500 lebanon3@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Philippines 02-6390006 02-6390002 auhpe@philembassy.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Poland 02-4465200 02-4462967 abudhabi.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl Click
Embassy of the Republic of Portugal 02-6505541 02-6505532 Mouna.naccache@abudhabi.dgaccp.pt No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Senegal 02-6336929 02-6336779 mmdiop50@yahoo.fr No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore 02-2222083 02-6819666 singemb_auh@sgmfa.gov.sg No Website
Embassy of the Republic of South Africa 02-4473446 02-4473031 admin@southafrica.ae Click
Embassy of the Republic of Sudan 02-4446699 02-4490530 sudembii@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of the Gambia 02-6433955 02-6433963 gamsyuae@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia 02-6811331 02-6812707 tuniemb@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Uganda 02-6659931 02-6659934 info@ugandaembassyuae.com No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Union of Comoros 02-5583765 02-5584298 ambcomad@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan 02-4488217 02-4488216 host@uzbekembassy.net Click
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen 02-4448457 02-4443691 yemenemb@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 02-4496710 02-4496730 vnemb1@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the State Kuwait 02-4477146 02-4477675 q8embassy@gmail.com No Website
Embassy of the State of Palestine 02-4471440 02-4471445 palestinead@hotmail.com No Website
Embassy of the State of Qatar 02-4493300 02-4493311 qatar-embassy2009@hotmail.com No Website
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman 02-4463333 02-4464633 omanuae@emirates.net.ae No Website
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic 02-4448768 02-4449387 info@syrianembassy.ae Click
Embassy of the United Kingdom 02-6101100 02-6101586 AbuDhabi.Chancery@fco.gov.uk Click
Embassy of the United States of America 02-4142200 02-4142469 ghazalrs@state.gov Click
Embassy of the United States of Mexico 02-5580088 02-5580077 embamex@eim.ae No Website
Embassy of Ukraine 02-6327586 02-6327506 embua@embukr.ae Click
Embassy of United Republic of Tanzania 02-6313088 02-6316618 tanzabudhabi@gmail.com Click
Embassy ofthe Federal Republic of Nigeria 02-4431503 02-4431792 nigerabudhabi@yahoo.co.uk Click
Libya Embassy 02-4418222 02-4418233 libyanembassyuae@libyatransition.org No Website
Maldives Embassy 02-6740200 02-6740202 mdvembuae@mdvembuae.ae No Website
Royal Danish Embassy 02-4410104 02-4410021 auhamb@um.dk No Website
Royal Thai Embassy 02-5576551 02-5576552 thaiauh@emirates.net.ae Click
Par La Rando

Nouvelle ambassadrice en Chine des Philippines

Le président philippin Benigno S. Aquino III a nommé la sous-secrétaire aux Affaires étrangères Erlinda Basilio nouvelle ambassadrice des Philippines en Chine, a-t-on appris le 5 décembre de sources officielles. Le président Aquino a déclaré avoir choisi Mme Basilio, une diplomate de carrière, pour ce poste afin d’envoyer un signal à la Chine selon lequel les Philippines attachent une grande importance à leurs relations bilatérales avec Pékin. Lire la suite « Nouvelle ambassadrice en Chine des Philippines »